How To Buy Bitcoin At Walmart in 2021?

How to Buy Bitcoin at Walmart in 2023?

Right now, everybody knows that it is possible to purchase BTC on exchange platforms or directly from other consumers through P2P services. It is also possible to buy these coins in different ways, like a credit card, hard cash, wire transfers, etc. There is one more thing you can do – you can buy Bitcoin at Walmart. 

It is a bit more complicated than you may think, so you should keep on reading this article to figure out how you can do it. 

Quick Overview

BTC is a decentralized cryptocurrency, which is powered by an enormous network of computers. These days, it is regarded as an important part of people`s everyday lives, and they can use it to purchase coffee or goods at Walmart. So, the question is how to buy the coin at this store. 

Some time before, people could only get BTC on trades, but it is possible to purchase the digital asset at a nearby retail location now. It is extremely convenient, even though buying Bitcoins at Walmart may not be that easy. Therefore, you should keep on reading to figure out how to do that stress-free. 

Prepare Your BTC Wallet

A special wallet is required to carry your coins, which is a BTC wallet in this case. You should know that it is not a physical item but a virtual one. Digital assets happen to be a groundbreaking idea because they decentralize money. It implies that banks are out of the picture because all transactions are peer-to-peer process. 

Instead, there is a unique algorithm known as the blockchain, which is utilized to keep track of those transactions. The task of this algorithm is to make sure that the money went from one person to another without any risk, and this is one of the most significant advantages of Bitcoin. 

That is why your wallet will contain all the data, which is essential to the blockchain. It is not possible to purchase, sell, or store your coins. In short, this wallet is a software program that comprises your public and private crypto keys. 

There are several types of wallets where you can keep your Walmart Bitcoins:

  • Desktop. It is downloaded directly from your laptop or personal computer and is available only from that device;
  • Online. This type is available in the Cloud, and you can use any laptop or PC to access it;
  • Mobile. It requires an application on your smartphone. The good part is that you can access it anywhere if there is an internet signal;
  • Hardware. You need to store this one on a removable drive, like a USB drive. You can access it anywhere through a laptop or PC;
  • Paper. In this case, all the keys will be printed onto a physical medium, like paper. 

How to Buy Bitcoin With Walmart Gift Card

It is not possible to buy Bitcoin with a Walmart gift card. However, there is one thing you can do if you have a few gift cards. You should find someone who obtains BTC and will sell these coins to get the gift cards. It is a win-win situation for both parties. 

How to Buy Bitcoins With Cash at Walmart?

Another option that you can go for is to get BTC with cash. Obviously, it is not going to be a direct purchase because Walmart2Walmart Money Transfers will be used as a middleman. It allows sending funds to any Walmart in the United States. There will also be fees, and you should consider that:

  • 4 dollars for 0-50 dollars transfer;
  • 8 dollars for 50-1,000 dollars transfer;
  • 16 dollars for 1,000-2,500 dollars transfer. 

So, how to buy Bitcoins with cash at Walmart? You just need to go to the nearest store and deposit money to the teller, which is located in the customer service area. Then, the cash will be transferred to a Bitcoin seller. The good news is that anyone can do this kind of transfer at any Walmart. In addition to that, these sellers might choose various payment options, such as the Walmart2Walmart money transfers. 

Coin Machines at Walmart

Cash in coins at Coinstar.

If you have hard cash and want to leave the house, then coin machines could be the solution you can opt for. They are available everywhere in the United States. However, you should consider that a state identification card will be required for your KYC verification. You will also have to use your mobile phone to buy BTC. One more thing you can do is to use a prepaid phone that will hide the identity of yours further. 

You may also need your mobile wallet, and they recommend not to utilize paper wallets printed by BATMs. The reason is that someone can scan it easily and steal your coins. There can be CCTV that is able to view paper wallets, and this will expose you to risks. 

You might also lose it, so they advise you to use a mobile wallet. Furthermore, it is possible to link it to your hardware wallet to keep coins safe.

Even though this solution is great, coin machines at Walmart are not available yet. The thing is that there are no physical Bitcoin BATMs right now; consequently, it is not possible to purchase the coin directly from the store. Instead, you may get the digital asset at Walmart with the help of financial devices. For example, Walmart2Walmart money transfer is a good option that you can use until coin machines appear at the store. 


After reading this article, you should realize how to buy Bitcoins at Walmart. BTC is extremely popular these days, and there are thousands of people who purchase and sell the coin daily in different parts of the world. There are many options that you can go for to obtain this digital asset, while purchasing them at Walmart is just one of them. So, you try the ways described above and see which solution is the easiest for you. 

By Ethan Moore

Ethan Moore, crypto and stock trader since 2012. Co-founder of Blockwatch experts team.

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